Monday, June 30, 2008


So, it's been a bit over a week since my mini-trialthlon run. As I said in my original post-run post, I am definitely not considering upgrading to a longer race. But I think I may do another mini-. I don't know if I'll ever match the thrill of my first, but I still feel really great that I did it, especially given the way I sort of handicapped myself.

I've since found out that you're not supposed to use an iPod. In some races, it's actually against the rules. But if it isn't against the rules of a race, I'm plugging in. I don't think I'll get a space age bicycle. But I probably will wear the space age shorts, and eat and sleep properly. And I'll probably get a wet suit too. But for now, I'm looking forward to maybe learning to surf.

I do whole-heartedly recommend running in some kind of race if you feel up to a challenge. It could be anything: a 20 mile bike ride, a three mile run, whatever. Set a goal and then meet it. It feels good.

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