Monday, January 5, 2009


In 2008, a lot of people prayed that Barack Obama would be elected President of the United States.  With a lot of hard work from a true grass-roots organization, an incredibly well-run campaign, an incredibly inspiring leader (and, lets face it, a terrible campaign run by the opponent who couldn't escape the failures of the current-president) Barack will be inaugurated later this month, and the entire world will be a better place for it. 

Which is an odd beginning for a post about my friend's cat who ran away last year. 

My dear friend Erin loves her cat Boots, who ran away last year. Basically, Boots was sitting in the window of Erin's apartment (the bottom floor of a house, and someone walking by opened the window and Boots got away. Poor Erin was shattered by this, but she never gave up on her cat. She even caught glimpses of him, but was never able to catch him. Then, one night, she found him in her humane trap that she'd left outside her house. I remember her calling rather late at night to tell us the good news.  I woke my wife with the phone, and I told her it was Erin ... what a great moment. 

It doesn't change the world, but it makes Erin's world a lot nicer, and Erin deserves that. I guess if could have only wished for two things to happen in 2008, it would have been for Barack to be elected President, and for Erin to get Boots back.  It was an awful year for many, but at least some good came out of it. 

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