Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I've never been so proud to be an American as I am right now. I will never forget this night, how it feels, where I was when I found out that Barack Obama has been elected President of the United States of America. 

Because of some things going on at my office, I've been working long hours. Tonight, I went out to get some pizza and popped into Times Square, there was such a sense of excitement. CNN was broadcasting live from the middle of Times Square, ABC was broadcasting live from their studio, Comedy Central had their bi-partisan John Stewart/Stephen Colbert show on MTV's giant Times Square screen. The Square was packed, and there was such a great energy. 

I left the office at 10:20 or so. Usually I avoid Times Square like the plague, but tonight, I went right for the crowd. I wanted to be among everyone, all people who wanted the same thing. Change, and an end to our long national nightmare and embarrassment.  Of course, as Barack himself would say, he's not Superman, things won't improve the day he takes office, or even in the first hundred days. He's not a guarantee of change, but he does represent an opportunity to change. 

I couldn't believe I didn't have a radio with me in the bus.  When I left Times Square, the numbers were looking good, but in the bus I was wondering what was going on. Until everyone's cellphone went off at the same time. I wanted to scream, but I didn't want to be rude to anyone who may not have been happy with those result. 

I'm so happy to have seen this historic moment. And I think better days are to come for America, even for those (and sometimes, especially for those) who didn't vote for him. Thank you Barack Obama, for your incredible strength and your remarkable campaign. Tonight's speech hit all the right notes. Not to beat on the Cheney/Rove/bush pinata too much, put it was totally the anti-bush speech. Also, big props to Hillary Clinton: I don't think Barack could have done it without her. Her graciousness is really pretty amazing. 

Time for bed: but what a great night. 

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

This is an historic time. We have come of age, but we have not left racism behind, though we have now shown that we can overcome it, Yes We Can!! President elect Obama has a tough road to travel, but he won't be alone. There are many talented people who will take the journey with him, and millions more encouraging him along the way.