Thursday, April 10, 2008


I've always really liked Tina Fey. I thought Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Updates" were great under her watch and I like 30 Rock a lot. I never feel like she's pandering (even when she's doing a movie with Lindsey Lohan) or selling out (even when she's doing a commercial). She's like the really smart, funny girl who did well. Really well. 

Today, I read a brief interview with her in Esquire, a magazine that I enjoy more and more (especially, and unsurprisingly, their "What I've Learned" interviews). She was talking about the limitations of telling a story in a half hour, but points out that "There's a generation of people who want their comedy to be a minute 14.  When I watch things on YouTube, there are occasionally things that are really funny. A lot of it is really terrible. There is something to be said for people who learn how to do stuff." 

Ironically enough, Tina isn't on the cover of the issue. Jessica Simpson is. 

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