Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm not a financial expert. I don't know if all of President Barack Obama's plans to put the country back on track will actually work. But I do know this: even watching his press conference is inspiring. I hate to sound too "fan" about this but, remember bush's press conferences? Dumb nicknames, snickers, sneers, and arrogance thinly covering a guy who wasn't bright, didn't have many ideas and who had an insane sense of entitlement? Watching President Obama at least made me feel like a very intelligent, very well-spoken, compassionate guy who is sick of politics as usual is running our country. And if you don't think so, keep your opinion to yourself, you're unpatriotic and you're helping the terrorists. Ha ha, just kidding, but I've been waiting to say that.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Images from The New York

Times. What else can you say about it that hasn't been said? It's the end of a long, painful, dark and embarassing chapter in American history. I'm sure Barack will make mistakes and make unpopular decisions. People are looking to him almost as a messiah it seems, and that's a lot to live up to, even for someone who was just elected to the most powerful position in the world. Today wasn't quite as incredible and euphoric as Election Day, but still pretty great. At my office, a bunch of us gathered together to watch the inauguration ceremony in the lobby of our office. A well known conservative walked through the crowd and looked like Sideshow Bob from The Simpsons (voiced by another well-known conservative, Kelsey Grammer) with a look like, "We'll be back! We'll get you next time!"

Whatever: I've never been so proud to be an American as I have in the past few months. Despite all of the dangers in our future (America's and the world's), with Barack Obama in The White House, I feel quite optimistic.

Monday, January 5, 2009


I was totally moved by the National Geographic documentary The Story Of The Weeping Camel. It was about a remote village in Mongolia where the people depend on their camels for a number of things: one of the camels gives birth to a colt and then rejects it. I was totally affected by the sadness of child rejected by its mother - it was more than just the fact that it needed its mother's milk to survive.  And I was also moved by the role that music played in the attempt to remedy the situation. 

It's not a fast moving action flick, but I recommend it highly for those who love animals, or music, and who have attention spans.  


My aunt recently took my wife and I (and my cousin) to The Metropolitan Opera's presentation of Mozart's "The Magic Flute," directed by Julie Taymor. My aunt has wanted to take us to the opera for a while - I've never been a fan, although I am a bit familiar with the opera, since I deal with The Met a bit at my day job. She figured, this was a children's opera, in English and was only about two hours long, it would be a good intro. 

Visually, it was spectacular, Julie Taymor did some pretty cool stuff. But otherwise, I had to admit that I couldn't get into it. The story didn't really grip me (I've been told that that isn't the point - but why have a story if the story isn't great, why not just a song-cycle?). It wasn't the music - I enjoy classical music. I just can't get into that style of singing, I guess. I realize that it takes a lot of skill, and a lot of emotion goes into it, but it just wasn't for me. 

When people are asked what kind of music they like, they like to say "everything," and so do I. If you check out my music blog, I cover rock, blues, country, hip-hop, reggae and R&B from lots of different eras.  But I just can't get into opera, so I guess I can't say "everything." Still, I'm glad I had the chance to experience it, at least once, I think it's something that people should at least try - but I would advise you to stick with a two hour one (some operas go over five hours!). 


In 2008, a lot of people prayed that Barack Obama would be elected President of the United States.  With a lot of hard work from a true grass-roots organization, an incredibly well-run campaign, an incredibly inspiring leader (and, lets face it, a terrible campaign run by the opponent who couldn't escape the failures of the current-president) Barack will be inaugurated later this month, and the entire world will be a better place for it. 

Which is an odd beginning for a post about my friend's cat who ran away last year. 

My dear friend Erin loves her cat Boots, who ran away last year. Basically, Boots was sitting in the window of Erin's apartment (the bottom floor of a house, and someone walking by opened the window and Boots got away. Poor Erin was shattered by this, but she never gave up on her cat. She even caught glimpses of him, but was never able to catch him. Then, one night, she found him in her humane trap that she'd left outside her house. I remember her calling rather late at night to tell us the good news.  I woke my wife with the phone, and I told her it was Erin ... what a great moment. 

It doesn't change the world, but it makes Erin's world a lot nicer, and Erin deserves that. I guess if could have only wished for two things to happen in 2008, it would have been for Barack to be elected President, and for Erin to get Boots back.  It was an awful year for many, but at least some good came out of it. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I've never been so proud to be an American as I am right now. I will never forget this night, how it feels, where I was when I found out that Barack Obama has been elected President of the United States of America. 

Because of some things going on at my office, I've been working long hours. Tonight, I went out to get some pizza and popped into Times Square, there was such a sense of excitement. CNN was broadcasting live from the middle of Times Square, ABC was broadcasting live from their studio, Comedy Central had their bi-partisan John Stewart/Stephen Colbert show on MTV's giant Times Square screen. The Square was packed, and there was such a great energy. 

I left the office at 10:20 or so. Usually I avoid Times Square like the plague, but tonight, I went right for the crowd. I wanted to be among everyone, all people who wanted the same thing. Change, and an end to our long national nightmare and embarrassment.  Of course, as Barack himself would say, he's not Superman, things won't improve the day he takes office, or even in the first hundred days. He's not a guarantee of change, but he does represent an opportunity to change. 

I couldn't believe I didn't have a radio with me in the bus.  When I left Times Square, the numbers were looking good, but in the bus I was wondering what was going on. Until everyone's cellphone went off at the same time. I wanted to scream, but I didn't want to be rude to anyone who may not have been happy with those result. 

I'm so happy to have seen this historic moment. And I think better days are to come for America, even for those (and sometimes, especially for those) who didn't vote for him. Thank you Barack Obama, for your incredible strength and your remarkable campaign. Tonight's speech hit all the right notes. Not to beat on the Cheney/Rove/bush pinata too much, put it was totally the anti-bush speech. Also, big props to Hillary Clinton: I don't think Barack could have done it without her. Her graciousness is really pretty amazing. 

Time for bed: but what a great night. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Over the weekend, I got to leave

behind the craziness of life in 2008. My wife, mother-in-law and our dogs hopped in the car, and for the fifth year running, went to Dewey Beach, Delaware for the annual "Greyhounds Reach The Beach" event.

It's basically a weekend event in a beach town where hotels, restaurants, bars and the beaches are open to greyhounds (and other dogs, but people come from all over the east coast with their greyhounds for the event). There's vendors selling greyhound specific stuff, a costume ball (which I think is appalling, no greyhounds want to be stuffed into stupid costumes) and even a prayer service to "bless" your dog(s). Well, it does get very "Best In Show" (a reference to the movie of the same name). I like it because our dogs enjoy going to the beach. it's so much fun seeing hundreds of greys all over town all weekend long. I'll try to remember to post more photos of the weekend (my wife took lots of pictures). Greyhounds are one of the most perfect creatures in creation - and are shamelessly exploited by people. Basically, they're bred to race, and then they are euthanized after they "retire."