Thursday, August 28, 2008


I feel lucky to be able to experience the historic moment of tonight's acceptance speech by Barack Obama. It was a perfect speech: it was as inspiring as his speech at the DNC four years ago, but it also addressed his critics, and went on the offensive against the inept and criminal administration of Cheney Rove & Bush. The last DNC had lots of hope and optimism, but not much teeth, but Barack was on the offensive tonight (without being overly negative) and I imagine Rove, his sidekick and McCain are 50% soiling themselves, 50% thinking of a swift boat plan. 

But aside the political context, it was a historical moment, and one I'll never forget. 

I'll also mention that I respect that John McCain gave Obama his night: it was rumored that he was going to announce his VP today. Historically, parties stay mainly quiet during the other party's convention. Of course, historically, parties don't set up attack offices in the city of the opponent's convention, but the Republicans have done that. I used to see John McCain as above the pettyness of the Republicans, but that pretty much ended four years ago at the RNC. Tonight's show of restraint, and the ad he put on the networks congratulating Obama was a rare glimpse of the class and honor that he used to have. And that is usually non-existent in his party. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'm not a political blogger, but after tonight's speech by Hilary Clinton, I felt inspiried to write something. I've been a Barack supporter all along, but I always respected her: I just didn't think she was "electable," thanks to nearly two decades of fools hating on her. I felt that she stayed in the race for too long, and almost damaged the party by doing so.

After tonight, all is forgiven. She gave the speech of her lifetime. She could have done less than she did. On a scale of 1 - 100, she scored a 200! She did everything right. Barack, you owe her.

Thank you Hilary Clinton.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Earlier in this blog, I mentioned that I really wanted to learn to surf. Well, this weekend, I took my first steps: I took my first lesson in Long Beach, Long Island. Thanks to Elliot at Surf 2 Live, he was a cool teacher, and I plan to go back for more lessons (classes run through the end of October).

I wiped out a bunch of times, which I guess is normal, but when I did "get up," it was exhilarating. I can't wait to go back. I can totally see how this could end up being a lifestyle thing, and I only regret not trying this years ago. My wife took this picture of me, and many others - and she decided that when I go back next weekend, she's going to leave the camera at home and take a lesson too!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Last night, I woke up next to my sleeping wife, surrounded by two sleeping dogs and three cats. It was just one of those moments that you wish you could preserve forever. Can't it always be this way? Does it really need to change?

Of course, it didn't last: one of my cats, as she is prone to do, was bugging me about feeding her, hours before her breakfast time. I lured her and another cat out of our room, gave them a bit of food, and rushed back into the bedroom, closing the door and going back to sleep.

This morning, I woke again to their funny, muted complaints outside the door. I am on "stay-cation," so by this time it was a few hours past breakfast. I fed them, which woke up the dogs, who didn't just want food: they wanted to play. To avoid waking my wife, I took them into our backyard (yes, enclosed by a picket fence) and let them run and play as the beautiful sun was making its way into the sky. When they tired themselves out, I took them back in, they settled briefly into our room, where the cats where finding their spots for their next snoozes. Another perfect little moment. Until one of the dogs complained about not getting enough attention, so I lured her into another room.

I know this whole thing can sound a bit mundane, but noticing it and appreciating it is part of my effort to appreciate great moments as they are happening.